Trail Journal

Tips to treat tick bites

Follow these 7 steps to treat tick bites

Whenever you put yourself in nature, where it's hiking or backpacking or camping, an occasional encounter with ticks is inevitable. While prevention is key, knowing how to treat tick bites promptly...

Follow these 7 steps to treat tick bites

Whenever you put yourself in nature, where it's hiking or backpacking or camping, an occasional encounter with ticks is inevitable. While prevention is key, knowing how to treat tick bites promptly...

hiking safety tips

The top 7 dangers you will face when hiking

While most hikes, no matter the distance, are relatively safe, there's always the chance something could go wrong, resulting in a life or death situation. That's why it's crucial to be...

The top 7 dangers you will face when hiking

While most hikes, no matter the distance, are relatively safe, there's always the chance something could go wrong, resulting in a life or death situation. That's why it's crucial to be...

cougar mountain lion safety when hiking

What to do during a mountain lion encounter

Hiking or backpacking in the wilderness can get scary real quick when you encounter wildlife, especially when it's a mountain lion. While such encounters are rare, knowing how to react is crucial...

What to do during a mountain lion encounter

Hiking or backpacking in the wilderness can get scary real quick when you encounter wildlife, especially when it's a mountain lion. While such encounters are rare, knowing how to react is crucial...

blister prevention for hiking

Follow these tips to prevent blisters on long-distance hikes

A long-distance hike or backpacking trip always carry with it the threat of blisters, which can quickly turn your experience sour. Blisters, caused by friction and moisture, can lead to discomfort and, if left unaddressed,...

Follow these tips to prevent blisters on long-distance hikes

A long-distance hike or backpacking trip always carry with it the threat of blisters, which can quickly turn your experience sour. Blisters, caused by friction and moisture, can lead to discomfort and, if left unaddressed,...

hiking in the heat

How to stay cool and safe while hiking in the summer heat

Hiking under the scorching sun can be a miserable experience without the proper preparation and gear. As the heat rise, it's crucial to help regulate your body temperature and mitigate the risks of heat-related issues...

How to stay cool and safe while hiking in the summer heat

Hiking under the scorching sun can be a miserable experience without the proper preparation and gear. As the heat rise, it's crucial to help regulate your body temperature and mitigate the risks of heat-related issues...

trail runners

Trail runners vs. hiking boots: The key differences

Selecting the right footwear is, perhaps, the most critical decision for hikers and backpackers, influencing comfort, performance, and overall experience. Trail runners and hiking boots are the two most common choices, each...

Trail runners vs. hiking boots: The key differences

Selecting the right footwear is, perhaps, the most critical decision for hikers and backpackers, influencing comfort, performance, and overall experience. Trail runners and hiking boots are the two most common choices, each...